Vung Liem District, Vinh Long Province.


When being alive, Prime Minister Vo Van Kiet was known as a leader who was close to citizen, simple, and always interested in cultural issues. Therefore, firstly the overall design of the memorial must convey high human culture and be familiar with citizen. So the whole memorial must reconcile among the solemnity, respect, profound of a memorial park, and the open air of a friendly cultural venue. Open architecture.

Being an overall cluster developed and inherited from the available works needs maintaining, anyhow the design must follow the four-pitched roof style being simple and integrated with nature. Open architecture is traditional and simple.

The air is mainly close to a master plan of Southern garden-house, integrating surrounding natural landscape, close to citizen like the character of Mr. Vo Van Kiet (Sau Dan).

Site area: 17,072 sqm
Floor area: 943 sqm
Scope of work: Architectural design - 2009
Status: Complete


Cultural - Sports's projects